News on IT in Healthcare & Telehealth - Archives
Survey Finds the Impact of the Digitization of Information in Health Service
Wire-Free – Handcuffing Good Health
New Wellness Website Launched – Resource For Mind, Body, & Spirit
HeartLander - Futuristic Medical Technology Takes Off
Robotic Surgeon to Team Up With Doctors, Astronauts on NASA Mission
NHS Online- Promise Of ‘Choices’ To Patients
Detection of Malignant Breast Tumors Made Simpler and More Effective
Follow Screening Regimen for Early Cancer Detection
Lesser the Better- Minimally Invasive Surgery Breakthrough
Heartbeats on IPods - Being ‘cool’ can Help Doctors too
Interactive Digital Television to Monitor Health
Breakthrough in MRI Scanning in the Near Future
Key Science Web Sites Buried in Information Avalanche
Computer Imaging Assists With Facial Reconstructive Surgery
eSie Touch Elasticity Imaging, and a Promise of Avoiding Breast Biopsies
Online Book Helps Children Understand the Effects of Stroke
The First Commercially Available Brain Computer Interface
Minirobot for Medical Procedures Inside Human Body
Computer Program Helps Hospitals Prepare For Mass Casualties
HL7 Announces Industry’s First Electronic Health Record System (EHR-S)
Motion C5: Mobile Clinical Assistant
Computer Tool Helps Pinpoint Risky Gene Mutations
Robotic Suit to Assist Easy Movement for Elderly
Cuba Computerizing Its Health System
Robotic Therapy Helps Restore Hand Use After Stroke
New Microchip for Protein Sorting
Space-Age Bandage Monitors Patients With Raynaud's Disease
‘Smart House’ Developed to Monitor People With Dementia
Doctors –you’ve Got Mail
President’s Address on the ‘Tele-Radiology’ Set Up of Krest

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