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 CMPMedica Adds Oncology Search Engine to
     June 2, 2007

CHICAGO, June 1 The specialty oriented professional medical search engines that contain only practical clinical information, today introduced SearchMedica Oncology, a new professional medical search engine that will prioritize search results by publication date, making the most timely and relevant clinical information easily accessible to oncologists and hematologists.

SearchMedica unveiled the new search engine at Chicago's McCormick Place, where oncologists and hematologists from around the nation convened today for the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO). The ASCO Annual Meeting is considered the premier educational and scientific event in the oncology community. will exhibit at the Cliggott Publishing Group's booth.

"We surveyed many ASCO member physicians to determine their needs for a search engine focused on oncology," said Cyndy Finnie, senior product manager for SearchMedica. "As with our specialty-specific search engines for psychiatry and primary care, we conducted focus groups, collected input from physicians and leveraged that input to improve the search engine and make it as useful as possible for physicians and other healthcare professionals in this vital specialty."

Available at, SearchMedica Oncology is the third specialty-specific search engine offered through, a free Web-based service that connects physicians and other medical professionals to credible medical Web sites, online journals and other clinical resources. All SearchMedica Oncology search results are independent, unbiased and ranked according to relevance, with the option to prioritize results by publication date. They contain well-known, credible journals, peer-reviewed research, and evidence-based articles written for practicing healthcare professionals.

In each of the SearchMedica vertical search engines, clinicians receive a specialist's view of the Web and an easy to use interface. SearchMedica provides more credible medical information than any other search engine available today, leveraging the medical expertise of thought leading physician editors and practicing physicians, but medical professionals receive a more relevant, smaller set of search results from SearchMedica than they would from mainstream engines.

Searching on the term melanoma on Google, for example, returns more than 10,000,000 results, most of which are geared toward consumers. The same search on SearchMedica Oncology nets fewer than 75,000 results from credible sources of reliable medical information. Results are organized into categories that help oncology professionals quickly find the information or other resources they seek and can also be prioritized by publication date.

"Medical professionals find much more relevant results at SearchMedica than at other search engines, and they appreciate the fact that the service is supported by category sponsorships and keyword advertisements, making it free for them to use," added Finnie.

Anyone can use SearchMedica, but healthcare professionals are encouraged to register to receive updates about new content and tips on how to use various advanced tools within SearchMedica.

Source: PR Newswire

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